btf Games Department
Games • GamesAs an independently operating department of btf GmbH with locations in Cologne and Berlin, the Games Department with its current 20 employees has been implementing its visions independently and creatively since 2017. The studio has already had great success with the adventure game “Trüberbrook” and was awarded “Best German Game 2019” and “Best Production” at the German Computer Game Awards.
The team is currently working on the projects “The Berlin Apartment” and “Constance”. In addition to its own games, the team is also involved in projects with a social background, such as “Leon’s Identity” to prevent right-wing extremism and “Dino Dino” to teach scientific facts to preschool children.
The Berlin office is part of the indie collective “Saftladen”. Aside from the actual game development, the team is involved in expert panels, juries and game jams or gives lectures and master classes.