Neo Magazin Royale
Late-Night-Show • Show & Entertainment • Design & VFXSatire blablabla Böhmermann blablabla fake blablabla.
Between 2003 and the end of 2019 »Neo Magazin (Royale)« with Jan Böhmermann was produced weekly on behalf of ZDF and was perhaps Germany’s most paraphrased satire and late-night format. What started as an idea for a contribution, everything was executed here entirely in house: writing, production, set design, animation, realization, costume, fibre optic cables and social media – all under one roof with the goal of being as quick as possible, as close as possible and with the highest possible quality of current affairs. Not to mention the audience, who thanked us with many online click hits and a measurable ratings. Or was it just all one big fake in the end?
Produced for
Grimme-Preis 2014, Kategorie: Unterhaltung
Grimme-Preis 2016, Kategorie: Unterhaltung/Spezial - Innovation für #Varoufake
Der Deutsche Fernsehpreis 2016, Kategorie: Beste Unterhaltung Late Night
Der Deutsche Webvideopreis 2017, Kategorie: Comedy für das Video Every Second Counts
Goldene Kamera Digital Award 2017, Kategorie: #ViralerClip für BE DEUTSCH
Der Deutsche Fernsehpreis 2017, Kategorie: Beste Unterhaltung Late Night
Grimme-Preis 2017, Kategorie: Unterhaltung - Innoveation #verafake und die Einspielerschleife
Der Deutsche Kamerapreis 2017
Grimme-Preis 2018, Kategorie: Unterhaltung - Eier aus Stahl - Max Giesinger und die deutsche Industriemusik